
Minggu, 29 April 2012

Vocabulary 2

1.      Vocabulary      : Accost (menegor)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : I accost you when you will go to Jakarta
2.      Vocabulary      : Advise (menasehati)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : Our mother always advises us
3.      Vocabulary      : Approve (menyetujui)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : I approve your opinion
4.      Vocabulary      : Aspire (bercita-cita)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : You aspired to be a doctor
5.      Vocabulary      : Attend (menghadiri)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : She will attend your party
6.      Vocabulary      : Breathe (bernafas)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : The bird has not breathed
7.      Vocabulary      : Broadcast (menyiarkan)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : You broadcasted this information in the radio yesterday
8.      Vocabulary      : Bury (mengubur)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : He was buried yesterday
9.      Vocabulary      : Cackle (berkokok)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : The cock cackles every morning
10.  Vocabulary      : Capitulate (menyerah)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : You must be spirit! So don’t capitulate to get it!
11.  Vocabulary      : Cherish (menghargai)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : I cherish your opinion
12.  Vocabulary      : Circulate (mengedarkan)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : She is circulating some papers to people in the market
13.  Vocabulary      : Clap (bertepuktangan)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : You are clapping because you are happy right now
14.  Vocabulary      : Comfort (menghibur)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : You always comfort me if I have some problems
15.  Vocabulary      :Fulfill (memenuhi)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : He fulfills the glass with much water
16.  Vocabulary      : Manage (mengurus)
Identification  : Verb
Example          :Ratna is managing an Oganization
17.  Vocabulary      : Snap (memotret)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : I am snapping the big animal
18.  Vocabulary      : Nasty (kurang ajar)
Identification  : Adjective
Example          : Don’t be naughty to your parent!
19.  Vocabulary      : Prestige (gengsi)
Identification  : Adjective
Example          : She is a prestige woman
20.  Vocabulary      : Raw (mentah)
Identification  : Adjective
Example          : The food is still raw, so she doesn’t eat it
21.  Vocabulary      : Wealth (kemakmuran)
Identification  : Noun
Example          : We need a wealth to our country
22.  Vocabulary      :Avalance (tanahlongsor)
Identification  : Noun
Example          :In west Java has happened a natural disaster, it is an avalance
23.  Vocabulary      : Victim (korban)
Identification  : Noun
Example          : The victim of Tsunami was evacuated in the emergency tents
24.  Vocabulary      :Demage (kerusakan)
Identification  : Noun
Example          :Many demages has happened here, be caused by the disaster
25.  Vocabulary      : Eruption (letusan)
Identification  : Noun
Example          :Eruption of the volcano was heard until our village
26.  Vocabulary      : Obesity (kegemukan)
Identification  : Adjective
Example          : I think the duck is obesity
27.  Vocabulary      : Take place (terjadi)
Identification  : Verb
Example          : The incident took place in the hospital last year
28.  Vocabulary      :Gravy (saos)
Identification  : Noun
Example          : She usually eats  meatball with the garvy
29.  Vocabulary      : Talk over (membahas)
Identification  : Verb
Example          :We are talking over about her problem
30.  Vocabulary      : Attest (membuktikan)
Identification  : Verb
Example          :I will attest to her that you was wrong

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